Almost all the effort that you hear daily regarding this virus is to prevent its spread. And, yes, it is highly contagious.

But, I believe that regardless of slowing its spread, eventually, everyone will receive this virus.
So, below I have information about the virus, about ways to avoid contracting it, and tips on how to avoid the ‘illness’ from the virus.

​My focus is on preventing illness from the virus. . .
This current virus is a member of a large class of viruses called “corona” viruses. All colds and flus are caused by corona viruses.

“A new strain of Coronavirus causing pneumonia-like symptoms”

” Coronaviruses (CoV), so named for their “crown-like” appearance, are a large family of viruses…and include diseases like Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), and all of the “flus” (like swine, bird, etc.). …the original source of the virus has not been identified. Unlike other coronaviruses, COVID-19 has a much larger global spread and has infected more individuals than SARS and MERS combined. “

During my practice in Alaska, my patients who supplemented “vitamin” D3 found that they were much less likely to get the usual winter time respiratory illnesses. In addition, supplementing D3 prevents wintertime depression, known as Seasonal Affective Disorder.

The daily doses of D3 that my patients typically used were 10,000 IU (or 250 mcg), except that in darkest winter, between Thanksgiving and Valentine’s Day, they would boost the dose to 50,000 IU (1,250 mcg).

Those patients following this dosing schedule found that the winter passed by much more amicably, except for one thing: their primary care providers (PCP) would admonish them to stop using the D3, warning them of toxicity, that never happened.

When measuring the blood level of “25-Hydroxy Vitamin D”, the laboratory invariably lists a “reference range” of 30 to 100 ng/ml. The warning is that having a blood level of greater than 100 ng/ml will lead to toxicity. However, the PCP cannot state what this toxicity would be. Moreover, no toxicity ever occurs with this dosing schedule.

Where does this reference range come from? I can tell you that there is no scientific basis for this range. There is no evidence whatsoever that exceeding the blood level of 100 ng/ml will result in toxicity of any kind.

(This is not an Ad – Vitcost and Dr. Odom are not affiliated.
This is a recommended product not a sponsored product and Dr. Odom in no way profits from this products purchase.)

​Treating the Illness, Should It Occur. . .

People with low levels of D3 are liable to become ill with the Covid-19 virus. Nursing home patients, of course, are sitting ducks for this problem, likely having a D3 level of near zero.
Recent experience with people ill with Covid-19 has shown the benefit of taking the malaria prevention drug, Hydroxychloroquine, at 200 mg x 3 tablets daily for 6 days. I have heard of alternative dosing schedules that are essentially equivalent. Until this treatment is either disproved or a better treatment comes by, I highly suggest using it for patients who are obviously ill with Covid-19 and are demonstrating symptoms arising from the lungs.
The event proceeding to mortality is so-called “cytokine storm” which severely disrupts lung tissue causing it to become non-functional.

​The best treatment for prevention of cytokine storm that is available to anyone is nicotine. I am not suggesting smoking. I am saying that having nicotine gum available for those ill with Covid-19 is a good idea.
My advice can be considered valuable only in the context of the crisis situation that we are in at the present moment (3/27/2020). We just don’t have solid information backed up by proper scientific studies. 

Conclusions: These results support the hypothesis that vitamin D induced LL-37, and to a lesser extent human beta defensin 2, may play a major role in the inhibition of viruses. And, there are a few other ways to prevent the the extent of illness caused by this disease.

My Advice

1. Take D3. I am taking 20,000 IU (500 mcg) daily.

What does D3 do to create health benefits? Those benefits are numerous, but I will mention only a few in this paragraph. So important currently is the ability of D3 to prevent viral illness. People with low levels of D3 and co-morbid conditions, like diabetes and obesity, are sitting ducks for Covid-19. D3 has been shown to have a cancer-preventive effect. D3 prevents wintertime depression. D3 helps to prevent heart attack and stroke. These are just a few health benefits of D3.

2. ​Consume hot beverages!​

​​The virus does not resist heat and dies if exposed to temperatures of 26-27 degrees: therefore often consume hot drinks such as tea, herbal tea and broth during the day, or simply hot water: hot liquids neutralize the virus and it is not difficult to drink them. Avoid drinking ice water or eating ice cubes or snow for those in the mountains (children)!

3. For those who can do it, expose yourself to the sun!

” Most people’s bodies manufacture Vitamin D in the skin when exposed to the sun.About 15 minutes a day of direct sunlight is sufficient for many people’s bodies to manufacture enough Vitamin D; people with darker skin need longer exposure to sunlight to manufacture the same amount. In winter, people in northern latitudes may not be able to make any Vitamin D from sunlight. Sunscreen lengthens the exposure time needed. “– Former CDC Chief Dr. Tom FriedenFox News | Coronavirus infection risk may be reduced by Vitamin D

4. Don’t buy expensive masks!

The virus crown is quite large (diameter about 400-500 nanometers), therefore any type of mask can stop it: in normal life, special masks are not needed.On the other hand, the situation is different for doctors and health professionals who are exposed to heavy virus loads and have to use special equipment.​

5. ​If an infected person sneezes in front of you. . .

. . . three meters away they will drop the virus on the ground and prevent it from landing on you.When the virus is found on metal surfaces, it survives for about 12 hours. So when you touch metal surfaces such as handles, doors, appliances, supports on trams, etc., wash your hands well and disinfect them carefully.The virus can live nested in clothes and fabrics for about 6/12 hours: normal detergents can kill it. For clothes that cannot be washed every day, if you can expose them to the sun then the virus will die.

How it manifests itself:

” From a young researcher who had been transferred from Shenzhen to Wuhan to collaborate with the task force that is fighting the coronavirus epidemic, we receive and willingly transmit to all of this clear, simple and accessible information, which describes exactly what it is. The virus, how it transfers from one person to another and how it can be neutralized in everyday life.
A Coronavirus infection does not cause a cold with a dripping nose or catarrhal cough, but a dry nose and dry cough (and fever): this is the easiest thing to know. “

● The virus first installs itself in the throat, causing inflammation and a dry throat sensation: this symptom can last for 3-4 days.
● The virus travels through the humidity present in the airways, descends into the trachea and installs in the lung, causing pneumonia. This step takes about 5-6 days.
● Pneumonia occurs with high fever and difficulty breathing, but you may have the feeling of drowning. In this case, contact your doctor immediately.

How can you avoid it:

  • Virus transmission occurs mostly by direct contact, touching tissues or materials on which the virus is present: washing hands frequently is essential.
  • The virus only survives on your hands for about ten minutes, but in ten minutes many things can happen: rub your eyes or scratch your nose for example, and allow the virus to enter your throat …
    So, for your own good and for the good of others, wash your hands very often and disinfect them!
    You can gargle with a hot water/salt solution (or even just drink hot tea every 15 minutes or so!) that eliminates or minimizes the amount of virus that could enter your throat: in doing so, you eliminate it before it goes down into the trachea and then into the lungs.
  • Disinfect your PC keyboard and mobile phones. And anything else that you frequently touch.

Experts suggest doing a simple check that we can do on our own every morning-

DIRECTIONS: Take a deep breath and hold your it for more than 10 seconds.

If you successfully complete it without coughing, without discomfort, a sense of oppression, etc., this shows that there is no inflammation in the lungs, indicating essentially no infection.

In such critical times, do this check every morning in a clean air environment!

Also, here is some excellent advice from Japanese doctors who treat COVID-19 cases.

Everyone should make sure that their mouth and throat are moist, never DRY. Drink a few sips of water at least every 15 minutes.

Even if the virus gets into your mouth … water or other liquids will sweep it away through the esophagus and into the stomach. Once in the belly … Gastric acid in the stomach will kill the virus. If you don’t drink enough water more regularly … the virus can gain access into your lungs.


● Interview with Former CDC Chief Dr. Tom Frieden on Fox News | Coronavirus infection risk may be reduced by Vitamin D
● Vitamin D for prevention of respiratory tract infections, World Health Organization
● Vitamin D may protect against viral infections during the winter
● Vitamin D and the anti-viral state, Journal of Clinical Virology
● Vitamin D and the anti-viral state, Journal of Clinical Virology
● Foiling Cytokine Storms with Cholinergics, Life Enhancement Magazine, Dec2014
● Nicotine and inflammatory neurological disorders, Acta Pharmacol Sin. 2009 Jun